
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Saturday 7 January 2012

So, I am finally home, and its looking like it will stay that way, even though there was a massive drama with the asthma nurse at the hospital, and I can safely say I will not be attending any more appointments there. Everything was actually going really well when I was discharged the first time, I had been put on two new drugs, theophylline was due to be started in clinic, to see if I would tolerate it, and xolair was a real option... then it all went tits up.

The asthma nurse arrived on my second admission, the first thing she said was 'You do not need nebs at home , because if you need nebulising you should be at the doctors or hospital' she then went on to say that I also shouldn't be on pred long term. Which is lovely - I would LOVE to be off pred and nebs, but really? I'm sitting here having aminiphylline pumped into my body for the second time in a week and you are trying to say that I need to stop taking my meds? Crazy woman. Does she think that I like pumping all this crap into my body? The best thing she said was 'your chest is clear, you have no wheeze and your peak flow is good, you don't need nebs' to which I replied 'That's because I had a neb half an hour ago.' We were just going around and around in circles.

So anyway, after she left I saw a consultant who was really positive, and agreed with the initial plan and not with her. The next day I saw a different consultant who then took me off the inhalers that were started a few days ago and wanted to put me on xolair and immunosuppressants and see if that worked enough to decrease my pred, but then the next day she was back. She walked in on ward round and told me I wasn't going to be discharged until I had stayed in for another 24 hours, so that she could prove to me that I didn't need regular nebs, and that i was not going on xolair or any other new tablets. If she hadn't have been so rude about it, and listened to what I was saying after I told her that it had already been tried and hadn't worked, then it might not have ended up with me self discharging and making a formal complaint! There was also the fact that it was a Friday afternoon, by the time i would be due my next neb she would be gone anyway, so she wouldn't be there to see me when I needed one! I would be stuck there all weekend...

All this has left me in a bit of a pickle! I am off to my GP on Tuesday and I am hoping for a referral to a specialist brittle asthma unit in Birmingham, they accept referrals from all over the country, and are supposed to be really good. So fingers crossed I guess. It just seams to me if your asthma isn't controlled in the standard way, then you are either accused of making it up, or not taking your medication properly, even though I have had two severe attacks in the past two weeks, and have had multiple admissions - how am I making it up?! They don't admit people for no reason you know! I just hope that something gets sorted soon, I am at the end of my tether with all of this, and I am running out of energy.

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