
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

My journey in pictures

Heres a little photographic snapshot of my journey with Brittle Asthma!

I am very lucky to have some amazing friends who never fail to cheer me up when I am in hospital. This normally involves something to decorate my drip stand with...! Here are a few photographs of past drip stands, for some reason the best ones ive had dont seam to be photographed.

I also have the amazing Herbert (Herby for short) who has been with me during many admissions and tends to get most of the treatments that I do! He was brought for me by two of my friends Bryony and Stephen when I was in hospital over new year a few years ago. Herby has had many accessories added over time - heres some of them! 

 This is Herby shortly after I was given him. At the time all he had was one of my 02 masks that I had to keep taking off him to use.

This is him at home - he had aquired a fair few new accessories by this point!

Herby having been given a more appropiate size BP cuff, mask and cannulas.

This is Herby feeling very poorly. The lovely Emma had brought him a brand new allergy band though. But he didnt like the CPAP.

Hospital admissions are not just full of the artistic decoration of cuddly toys and drip stands though they normally involve a fair few really nasty blood tests and if im very unlucky, and arterial line. They are generally really painful and very hard to get, so alot of digging around with needles normally takes place.

This is the dreaded arterial line, sometimes called an ART. This was a very hard one to get placed and was extremely uncomfortable!

This is the aftermath of numberous ABG's on another admission. My wrists were throbbing and they ended up having to numb them whenever they attempted one.

I also have had many, many cannulas! If you have had too many though it becomes very, very hard to put one in. Sadly ive had so many that my veins are shot to pieces so I will soon be getting a CVAD which means that they have a very easy access point in case of an emergancy.

Med time gets a bit boring after a while! So I made a face! The other picture is me and my sexy, sexy 'moon boot' which I had to wear after breaking my foot. Unfortunately because I have weak bones it makes it very easy for them to break, so I have broken this foot twice now!

This is me during one very, very long admission to The John Farman Intencive Care Unit at Addenbrookes, Cambridge. The first one is me on a machine which forced air into my lungs (NIV) and improved the way my lungs were functioning. The next one is a picture of me on the day that I was being moved from the ICU to the ward.

A lot of my time is spent with my trusty neb mask on my face! Which often results in some very weird pictures... I get bored! There are also a fair few public neb times, like this one on the London Underground.

I've done a fair few things with Asthma UK as well. The top one is of me and Hanna at a weekend in Manchester and the bottom is me, Hanna and Emma at the training day in London.

AUK have an annual House and Garden Fair at a Vineyard near me. I ended up being the sob story for it in the paper- it was weird when I went along and people recognized me from my picture!

Andddd..... More drip stand decorating! Oh the fun!

The slushie colored tongue competition! Me and Aj wanted to see who could make their tongue the brightest blue - I won!

It took two nurses an hour to find my infusion chart which had been put in my doctors notes folder at WR by some silly F2! Once it had been found, we felt the need to document it!

Me... when I was annoyed at being on a lot of oxygen - then me happy when I had managed to work my way down!

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