
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Charities I support

The first charity I support is Asthma UK - obviously asthma is something that has had a big effect on my life and the way things have panned out, so I feel somewhat obligated to give back and help others! AUK have supported me through a lot of bad times and given me so many opportunities to get my voice heard and meet other people with asthma, my life would be very differant if AUK didn't exist. Here's a bit more about them...

Asthma UK is the charity dedicated to improving the health and well-being of people in the UK with asthma by building and sharing expertise about asthma.

Asthma UK works together with people with asthma, health professionals and researchers to develop and share expertise to help people increase their understanding of asthma and reduce the effect of it on their lives. They are working towards their vision of "Control over asthma today, freedom from asthma tomorrow".

The next charity i support is the 'Addenbrookes Charitable trust' or ACT for short. They are a group of people who work hard to fund raise for the hospital which has on many occasions saved my life, and has given me a treatments which have improved my quality of life no end. If it wasn't for ACT admissions would be very difficult and stressful, but the ACT funds many things which help make them easier.

ACT raises additional funds to help make a difference for patients at the hospitals and help save lives.
Charitable donations have bought extra high-tech equipment, paid for additional specialist staff, contributed to environmental enhancements and funded research to improve the understanding of conditions and find possible cures for patients in Cambridge and around the world.

The final Charity i support is 'Live life then give life'. Its a Charity which promotes the need for people to join the organ donation register and the possible, life saving effects that doing so can have.I have met a few people in my life for who organ donation is very important, including someone who had a transplant at less than 12 months old and another who is waiting for a lung transplant. its thanks to LLTGL that these people are still ere or may still be here in a few years tome. PS. the person in the picture is Kerry, shes currently waiting for a double lung transplant due to end stage CF. shes an amazingly strong and beautiful lady who deserves that second chance.

Live Life Then Give Life was created to raise awareness of organ donation and the chronic lack of organ donors in the UK. It aims to encourage people to think and talk about the subject of organ donation and to try and encourage people to take the proactive step of signing the organ donor register.
The Charity helps give those affected by transplant a voice within the media, educates the public with literature, talks and events, and supports those in need of a vital transplant, which due to the terrible shortage of donors in the UK may never come.

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