
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

The 30 Day Challenge, Day 2 - Favorite Animal.

Hi World,

So before I go into the next days challenge I just thought I would give you all a short summary of the meeting I went to yesterday about age appropriate care for young adults. Basically I told them a few of the issues that both myself and a lot of other young people across the country face when regularly admitted into adult wards. I discussed the environment which we are in, and how we are often with people up to four times our age, which isn't really too nice! I also discussed the lack of emotional support, how young people can see a patient die in the bed opposite them, and then be expected to carry on like it has not happened. There was also the issue that many young people are often in education or work and worry about the effect that being ill has on their progress, so we discussed some sort of system where young adults could be supported to ensure that they were not falling behind. We discussed overall some sort of role where a person would be responsible for visiting every young adult admitted and ensuring that they were advocated for, offered support to continue their education and given opportunities to borrow age appropriate books or DVDs/DVD players so that they do not get quite so bored! Obviously we were just chatting but it sounded like something they thought was worth looking into and I am really excited about getting involved in this role.

So, day 2 is favourite animal and its safe to say that I am a batty cat lady. I love my cat Tilly and cant imagine what my days would be like without her there to keep me company. I know everyone probably says this about their animals, but Tilly's not a normal cat, she is amazing in so many ways. If I am having a bad day, she knows - she sits on the end of my bed all day keeping me company. If I am in hospital, she wanders around the house looking for me. At night time, when I go and get a drink, she follows me downstairs, then she follows me back upstairs like my little shadow. If I'm crying she always seams to know she should come and poke at me with her paw until shes distracted me from my crying.

Tilly is also the biggest wimp in the world. She is petrified of just about every other cat around and runs a mile if she sees one. We attempted to get another cat once, but Tilly spent two weeks hiding under mums bed hissing at anyone and anything which came near her, so we decided it was fairest to re-home the cat to one of our friends and let Tilly be by herself! She is in no way any sort of home security system! She runs away if anyone new enters the house and is scared of just abut every noise going. I call her bull-dog sometimes, mainly because she is the complete opposite of one!

In the past, I've been given a lot of stick for having a cat, because I am mildly allergic to them. However, when I moved out of home, my asthma didn't improve and when I moved back it didn't get any worse so its obviously not that much of an issue. There is also the emotional support that having a animal can give, look at the whole idea of pets as therapy - its been proven that animals help keep people in good spirits and cheer them up if they are not. I think that if Tilly went, I would be worse off in so many ways, because shes my therapy!

So here is a picture of my Tilly!

So that's my favourite animal, day three is favourite food, which I really need to have a think about. I might have to make something and take a picture of it for you!

Night all!
Kirsty x

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