
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Saturday 17 August 2013

A not-so-quick update!

Hey all,

Sorry it's been a while since my last post, It's been a funny sort of month and I completely forgot to update.

So, it was my mums birthday on Monday and as far as I'm aware she had a lovely day! I did a little birthday lunch for her, so we had sandwiches and birthday cake whilst she opened her prezzies. She had lots of cards from people and tonnes of flowers! I got her chocolate, flowers, wine and a watch for work. I also payed for her to go to London with a friend for three nights, in a very nice hotel, she is there at the moment (Saturday) but she is due home tomorrow. From what it sounds like she has had a lovely time, and really enjoyed herself, so I am very pleased! 

I've had a busy week so far and full of what felt like very long and busy days, so I am knackered. I'm trying my hardest to stay awake and type this - but I can feel my eyes dropping!

Monday was Diabetes clinic, (I have iatrogenic diabetes) but there isn't anything much to report. My HbA1c was only 5.9% which is excellent - it means that I am very good at controlling my blood sugars and adjusting my insulin doses. Get in there! I have been wondering about switching from multiple daily injections of insulin to pump therapy, which would save me having to inject 5 times a day - or more. Unfortunately because I'm not a type 1 the NICE guidelines don't cover me, and because my control is so good they cant make an exception and approve me for one. Its a bugger, but I just cant afford the cost of doing it all privatly so I will have to just get on with what I have been doing. I am going to be put on a course called DAFNE which stands for 'Dose adjustment for normal eating' and is designed to give me a more structured way of managing my diabetes - its either going to be really interesting or really boring! I am a tad worried because it is going to be a week long course and I don't know if I will have the energy to cope with that five days in a row. But fingers crossed it will be okay.

Wednesday was Asthma Clinic, which was eventful as always! I arrived on time and ready to get going - but having walked past smokers corner, and then being subjected to lung function I was a bit worse for wear. I ended up rather wheezy and managed to need more than couple of neb's before I didn't sound like a set of out of tune bagpipes! After all of that my lung function was up slightly at around 50/60% so I was very happy with those numbers, and my inflammation levels are down slightly! Unfortunately they are still not 100% sure if the Xolair is working properly, so I have been booked in for a review and they are going to decide if it is worth continuing, or if it would be good to have a trial period off of it. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't want to be on a drug that isn't working - there is no point in pumping myself full of more drugs if they are not helping. But at the same time I am worried that if I come off of it and it has been working on some level then I will take a massive step back. I dont want to end up in hospital every month or so like before. But who knows? I will just have to take it as it comes and see what happens. It just feels weird that if we stop this, there's not anything else that Addenbrookes can do for me, it was their last attempt to help me.

After my appointment I went to visit one of my friends who is on N3 at the moment - she is really struggling with her bagpipes. It was great to see her, we had a good natter, and a giggle which I hope cheered her up. In true Kirsty style I took her a balloon, card, chocolate and a little personalized plaque which had been made and sold in the concourse - it was great to see her smile at her little gifts. I am hoping that she will be home soon and back with her family and pooch, but if shes still there next Monday/Tuesday and wants a visit then I will definitely pop in and see her again - maybe cupcakes will be the gift of choice next time?!

Thursday was a nice long day in bed! Lazy I know but I was very worn out after the start of the week so I needed to chill... In the afternoon I went and picked up my niece Aj from her house and she stayed the night at mine, we watched a film and just generally chilled out. It was lovely. The next day we went to Cambridge on the bus, bimbled around the shops, had lunch, and went to the build a bear workshop. We both made a bear together and had a great time doing it. We went all out - choosing the smells to go in them, fluffing them up and dressing them, naming them and paying. Aj was wearing her converse which she had decorated herself, all the staff loved them and were very jealous of her! On the way home we took some silly pictures on the bus with our bears... Alieshas bear was all pink and fluffy with hearts on its ears, a Rapunzel dress and pink sun glasses. Mine was an asthma friendly, short fur teddy in traditional blue PJ's and old fashioned glasses!

Then we went home, had some dinner and made a start on her 'Holiday Scrapbook' which she has to do for school as homework. She made a really good job of it and we both spent hours cutting bits out and putting it all together. When we woke up this morning we carried on doing it and managed to get lots of pages finished. Her mum loved it, and apparently there is a prize for the best book. If she doesn't win I will be outraged!

So now its Saturday night and after taking Aj home I spent most of the afternoon doing bugger all. I needed it though after my busy week! I even put a few loads of washing on and dried it all, so that when my mum comes home tomorrow she is not greeted by loads of dirty laundry. I am really looking forwards to seeing her - I cant wait to have a big hug and hear all about what she has been up too :)

Anyway - its time to say goodnight, I need to wind down now and get some sleep, otherwise it will hit 4am and I will still be wide awake and massively overtired!

Till next time,

PS. I haven't forgotten about the 30 day challenge. I just need to make something to post about... maybe the whole cupcake gift thing will kill two birds with one stone?!


  1. Enjoying reading your blog. Am coming to terms with my asthma becoming severe. Your blog really helps xx

  2. Thank you, it's great to hear that you are finding my crazy ramblings helpful!!
