
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Thursday 7 November 2013

So, I've been home about a week since my last admission. Unfortunately the second half of the admission was just as much of a shambles as the first! They carried on making silly mistakes regarding my care, some of which were boardering on dangerous! Still managed to pull some silly faces though!! 

Rocking the 'sticking my tounge out' pose! 

So after the night of the aminophyline drama, we gradually reduced it and took me off of it. Unfortunately that night it all went boobies up, and I splatted spectacularly! Around 10pm they had to call the on call reg, cause my sats were around 85% on 8L and I sounded like a pair of out of tune bagpipes. He came along and gave me more magnesium, hydrocortisone and aminophyline - and stabbed me for numerous ABGs until he gave up and admitted that he wouldn't be able to get one!! Then along came the critical care team who wasn't impressed by the lack of ABG and wanted to try. Thankfully he told them that he wasnt going to keep stabbing me. 

Things went okay after that. I got better and was so excited when I managed to get my O2 down to a blue valve! Annoyingly they were very rushed and did their best to discharge me ASAP. To the point where I had only been off 02 for an hour or so, and off of amino for about 12 hours. Not that I'm complaining about getting out quickly - but some discharge planning wouldn't have gone a miss, because they managed to discharge me with the wrong medication etc.

In other news, my course is going well, and I've managed to get between 80 and 90% in my past two assessments! Which makes me feel better about it all - at least it's not all going right over my head! Rather worried about some of the other assessments, but I will just cross that bridge when I come to it and hope for the best. 

I've also started a dolls house! Stacey got me one for my birthday and I've been working on it - it's all put together and the decorating of the outside is next on the cards :) Tilly seams to like it too and has taken residence in the living room...

Bless her! She does look very cute in there though, and it's turned into her hidey-hole for when fireworks go off...!

Me and Stacey had an evening at the cinema the other day, watching Bad Grandpa. Was the funniest film I've seen in ages - and the night ended in nandos and the purchasing of a Eeyore onesie, a good night over all! 

Oh and Emma sent me some pretty amazing socks! I love them :) They are also really comfy too, all soft and cosy. We keep an exchange of letters/prezzies and postcards going between us, so it won't be long until I send Emma's - just got to finish it off - I wont say what's in it incase she reads this and it spoils the surprise! 

I'm gonna go now, starting to nodd off and I really need to sleep! Take care -


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirsty,

    So glad to see you are home and feeling better. Being in hospital is always unpleasant! Was starting to worry about you! Well done on your high scores on your assignments. Amazing how well you are doing with your studies, despite being so poorly. Things are plodding along ok here. Have had my OH appointment, so just waiting for the report to see what he says. Had been feeling much better, but at the moment my chest is being pretty crappy! Keep your fingers crossed I avoid another hosptial trip.

    Take care of yourself
    Lots of Love
