
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Friday 11 October 2013

Its been ages since I last posted, but that's mainly because not a lot has happened, but at the same time - so has a lot. So in the past month, the days seem to have all merged into one long blur - a lot of which has been spent in bed!

I have managed to watch seasons 1-8 of 'Grey's Anatomy' again - in less than a month.Which kind of shows you how little I have been doing! I have also been doing a lot of crafting and have taken up journalling, it keeps me occupied and gives me something to focus on which I really appreciate :) Here are a few pictures!

This is my sock cat! I made her out of a pair of knee high welly socks, buttons, emboridery thread and lots and lots of stuffing! She wasnt too hard to make to be perfwctly honest, Its more knowing which bits to cut and sew to make the right shape. Though it is tricky trying to get the head and the tail on neatly, and in the right place - it takes some repositioning and hidden sitiching to get it looking good.

She has a long tail and and kinda sits up on her back legs, though they can be a little tempermental so she spends a lot of time just laying there. As you can see - her and Tilly are getting along well ;) I thought it was so cute when I saw her snuggled up to a giant cat shaped sock!

I have also made a cushion which was inspired to some degree by one I saw in a shop. It was twenty-odd pounds and so I decided to make my own, for no more than a few quid. I stuffed it and gave it to my nan for her birthday earlier this month, I think she liked it - I took a picture first so that I don't forget what it looks like. I am planning on making another one soon for a friend, just waiting for some felt to arrive, hers is going to be done in brights, so purples, red, yellows etc...

All of the fine detailing is done in embroidery thread, the main blocks of colour are done in felt and I have used buttons for some of the flowers. It could have been a little neater, but for the first attempt it was good enough!

I've been art journaling too! Thanks to the joys of pro-markers and stamping they have been coming out rather well and I have been getting some nice results. If i'm honest I have been just experimenting and seeing what I can do with different bits and pieces. Here are some examples...

Aside from the obvious sheer number of craft projects running simultaniously, I have also started my OU courses this month and I am really enjoying them. I have been getting a plan going each week saying what I will try to get done, most of the time I have stuck to it, but I have had a fair few days where I haven't felt up to it - but i've managed to catch up. I was sitting there reading one day, and having a neb when I realised how ironic this was...!

Nebbing and reading about COPD was rather amusing! I must be a bit of a weirdo, but it did make me giggle...! 

So far my course has been really good and I am enjoying having a purpose again. This is my time now. It's my chance to to get what I want out of my life, and I will do it, I won't let anything stand in my way...

I know that some of you like to know how my ole bagpipes are doing! Things have been rather up and down over the past month and I am in a bit of a rubbish lung phase at the moment... I have been feeling very unwell for the past five days or so, I've had a bit of a cold and naturally my lungs don't like that. I've had a fair few moments when it looked like I would have to admit defeat and head to hospital. But it's my birthday (...which is today!) weekend and I wasn't going to spend that in hospital! So I've been pushing myself to keep going.

I have managed to keep myself going with plenty of prednisolone and increased antibiotics... I normally take clarithromycin  in a modified release tablet so that I don't get too many chest infections, but I added doxycycline too the minute I felt it going to my chest! I'm also on split dose prednisolone 30mg twice a day and nebs every 2/3 hours. I still feel grotty but in the end I'm here and able to enjoy my birthday, and that's all I can ask for! 

I also managed to get an abscess and crumbly tooth.... So I am in pain. I don't do things by halves do I ?! So on top of all of the increased asthma stuff I am on amoxicillin, metronidazole and other pain meds. Here's to hoping it helps! 

Anyway, it's my bed time now - I need to sleep and ready for my birthday fun! Ill post tomorrow before bed and update! 

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