
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Health related update!!

So, last Monday I woke up with a really bad tooth ache, and after a day of trying to get an appointment, I finally got one in Newmarket. It turns out that one of my teeth has gone all crumbly and I have an abscess. If I didn't now know other wise I wouldn't believe that a tooth could hurt so much! So the dentist, confused by my prophylactic antibiotics (Clarithromycin) and scared of contraindications between all of my other medications, prescribed me a few days of Amoxicillin, admitting that he wasn't sure they would clear it... helpful! So the day before my birthday (boo) I had to ring my GP, still in pain, and ask for something better. Que the third antibiotic in the drug roulette, Metronidazole. Meaning that I couldn't drink on my birthday :( Gutted!

Anyway my tooth is feeling better, but I now have to deal with getting it taken out next week, and I am so not looking forwards to that experience. I have explained to the dentist about all of my health issues and he is going to do his best to get it over quickly, so that i am not laying down for too long. Hes worried that it may splinter as the tooth is obviously very weak, which I don't want, as that would mean it would take longer to pull all of the bits out!

On top of all of that I've had a cold and sore throat, which has made my chest feel rather manky and generally not very happy. Typical really isn't it - if it doesn't rain, it pours! Thankfully I have managed to keep my chest at bay by upping the prednisolone and nebs and also starting antibiotics as soon as possible (Que number four, Doxycycline) which helped. Get me, being all proactive!

so today was clinic day, and I had to get up and be in Cambridge by 10am, which killed me! I've still been feeling pretty rough, so it was the most activity I've done in a good week or so, shock to the system! I was a bit worried about what they would say, because i knew my lung function would be down and i was pretty wheezy by the time i got there. as i suspected my lung function was down to 53%/55% which is pretty rubbish, my inflammation levels were up and my chest was wheezy and a bit crackly. somehow i managed to escape with antibiotic number 5, Ciprofloxacin, and instructions to admit defeat if i get worse. Yay!

I also had my Xoliar, so I am full of anti allergy goodness!

My consultant also said that he has spoken to Birmingham Heartlands, and the lead consultant has agreed to see me. Addenbrookes received a letter from him on the 2nd October saying that he would send me an appointment and asked for some more information (test results etc) so at least I know things are moving along and it shouldn't be too long until I hear from them. Fingers crossed they can do something to help!

So that's it at the moment! I cant think of much else to say.

Ohh actually! My new BM kit comes with PRETTY COLORED LANCETS! I am currently using the purple ones. Last week was blue :)

That really is everything... time to go chill because my arms are sore and I need a neb and a nap. Ohh and maybe some chocolate?!

Take care -

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