
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Guide camp, Moot V

Hey All,

I survived camp!! Last Thursday I went off to guide camp with a group of 6 girls and two other leaders. It was the first time I had planned a camping trip and actually been made responsible for a group of girls - so I was a bit worried that I would end up killing one of them! Thankfully it went really well, I didn't kill anyone and and they all enjoyed themselves.

The camp was a joint scout and guide camp called MOOT - which is ran every four years, there have been five of them in total, and I have been to four of them. It's one of the big camps in my diary and I can see myself looking forwards to taking another group of girls away to the next one. 

My guides were so, so well behaved and I was so proud of them all. Everyone of them came out of themselves, tried something new or learnt something at some point. The best bit had to be seeing the quietest girl becoming more confident and chatting away to me. I was also so proud of how one of the young girls, who is diabetic, began to look after herself. At the start of the weekend I was having to remind her to test her sugars at appropriate times, by the end of the weekend she was doing it all herself. It got to the point where all I had to do was ask for 'a number' and she gave me a reading! 

So yes, all in all - I am one happy, happy leader! 

I was also rather worried about how my health would fair during the weekend, as historically me and camping don't always go too well. However, I made a point of increasing my medications for the weekend, in the hope of stopping a problem before it started and it did work. Thankfully it stopped me going epically splat! I did have a couple of days of shocking lung function and low oxygen levels, but it wasn't so much so that I couldn't cope and it was most certainly due to the increase in meds that I did. Though I did get bitten to death.

I have been rather busy sorting out paper work, catching up on sleep and getting ready for the crash which comes from having to drop my meds back down - but it will all have been worth it! 

Before I went away I eventually got around to taking my iLiveiGive t-shirt photo, and my organ donor card one. They are rather silly, but here they are :) 

I also have an appointment tomorrow with the breathlessness people, it's either going to be a complete waste of bus fair or worth every minute. Who knows eh? 

Anyway, I'm gonna go now. I am knackered, need to sleep and must put some bite cream on before I scratch my legs to shreds. So, so, so itchy! 

Much love,
Kirsty x


  1. Glad you enjoyed it. Camping is defo not for me!! Look forward to reading your next post. Hope the breathlessness people visit was productive xx

    1. Thanks! I had to rearrange the appointment because I was too breathless to go. Oh the irony eh?! I will be sure to post about it when i have been x

  2. Oh dear - that is pretty ironic!! Hope you're ok and able to go soon xx
