
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Hey all,

It's been a while since I posted, but I've been taking some time to update my blog a bit, and make it a bit more informative! Its taking some time though and it is still work in progress - but we are getting there. 

There's internal links along the top now which, sadly took me ages to figure out how to place! I hope that they will turn into a bit of a information space as I answered some FAQs I get about asthma, and will have another soon with some links to places that might help if you need someone to talk to about  or just need some advice .

There's also some bits about me. I took part in the '30 questions about living with my illness...' quiz as part of invisible illness week,  and I have put up the answers. But I will add any others so people ask if you have something you think I should answer! There's also apiece  about what all this has taught me about life and living and some pictures of my journey!

I have put some links on my page to a few causes which are close to my heart. The first is Asthma UK, who I often refer to as AUK. They have played a huge part in my life and made it so that everything doesn't feel quite so scary. I've met two great people through AUK, at a weekend away in Manchester, both of them have provided me with loads of support and many giggles. The guys in the Wilson St office in London are the best and I couldn't fault them in any way, they don't just do their job, they really put everything into it and that makes AUK such an exciting charity to work with. 

The second is 'Live Life then Give Life' also known by a shortened version LLTGL! LLTGL is a charity which promotes the NHS organ donation register and encourages people to join it. One of my friends, the one in the picture actually, is suffering from end stage CF and desperately needs a lung transplant. She's fighting, they didn't expect her to see Christmas, then it January, March -until  its July and she's still here fighting this thing day in day out. She deserves this second chance, and she can only get that if people sign up. 

A very close friend of mine Janine, is one of the most genuine and strong people that I know. Thanks to the care she receives at Addenbrookes and Papworth she is still here and still going - and together ACT and LLTGL support the care she gets.

ACT means a lot to myself as they fundraise for Addenbrookes hospital - the hospital in change of all my care. ACT makes it so that patients are well looked after in every way, enabling the medical staff to get on with delivering the medical care that is going to save lives. I don't knew what I'd do if ACT had not funded things such as the library! Die of boredom?! ACT also links into the Addenbrookes website. The doctors at AUH are great. From the minute I walk into a&e I am cared for in the best way possible and they always aim to do what is best for me - even if it means going against the grain. The ward staff on N3 are easily the greatest bunch of people I could hope to be cared for by! Always a smile and a gossip! I don't even think works could describe how great my specialist nurses and doctors are either - it would not do them justice! 

I am aware that the above do scripts do not do the three of them any justice - and I am planning on making sure that they get a proper mention and a clear link to their site as I think it so important they get the recognition and support they deserve. 

I didn't realise tags this update would be quite so lengthy before I even get around to telling you about everything else thats happened, that's okay though - It gives me something to talk about tomorrow :) 

So, till tomorrow!
Kirsty.  Xxx

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