
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Sunday 27 May 2012

It's not been that long since I last updated - but quite a lot as happened in that short period of time. Where to start? My first year at university is officially over! Well I say over, I have a few pieces of work and an exam that need handing in/sitting, which I should have done by now but I had to get extensions for. So once they are handed in, that's it! One year down, two to go! I am hoping for a slightly less eventful second year though, and hopefully one that will reduce my stress levels.... Though saying that, I think I am the happiest I've ever been whilst in education, UCS was definitely the right choice for me. Other people can turn their nose up, and say that I'm going to a second rate uni, or taking the easy option by living at home, but I had to make the decison that I could live with best, as this was was definitely the best choice.

Since I last blogged dad has made amazing progress. He took his first steps the other day, and can now walk around to the other side of the bed, he was so happy when he told me, his face lit up. He has been out of the house aswell. Going into town in his wheelchair, going out for coffee, sitting in the garden - its all been really good for him, and he's much brighter for it, I'm starting to see a bit of my old dad shining through again, and it's amazing. The other day he even scooted around in his chair, made my step mum a cuppa and did some dusting! Wont be long before he's out mowing the lawn and washing his car! The best thing has to be that he went around to the residential home my step mum works at for his first proper bath since the accident, apparently the old people didn't want him to leave, he obviously went down a storm!

Rather annoyingly so I managed to land myself in hospital since my last blog, and it was a bit of a roller ouster admission actually. I went in not really expecting to be in too long, I had the feeling that after a good dose of mag and a short stint on amino I'd be out, but it didn't quite go to plan! I hate going through A&E, even at 4am when it was deathly quiet they manage to seriously overlook me. I arrived wheezing, unable to speak more than a couple of words and handed the triage nurse my EC information... She looked at it, stuck a Sats probe on my finger, saw it was 96% and sat me in the waiting room, even though my EC info warns them about that. Five minutes later another nurse spotted me, took me through to majors and actually got a doctor to listen to my chest, which despite the fact my Sats were still good was pretty much silent.

From then it was all go, I went from majors to resus, where I was drugged up and informed my C02 and Lactate levels were up and sent to ITU, where I spent about four days on a mix of amino, random doses of mag, CPAP and 02 among other things. I then had the relief of being moved to a ward for two nights, but then begain scaring too many consultants with my nighttime antics and got sent back to ITU. Bloody hell some of those ITU nurses are grumpy cows, good job most of their patients are vented cause they would have been murdered by now if not!

I am home now though, and so so pleased to be! I am going to stay with my wonderful friend florence for a couple of nights tomorrow, and we have made some plans to go to the beach and maybe the lido in Cambridge which will be lovely, especially as the weather is so good at the moment. I am a tad worried though, seams like since my last admission I've been desaturating when moving around, which is something that's not normally an issue by now. I often need 02 when I'm in so that I can pop to the shop but that requirement normally goes off before I'm discharged, and I wasn't really off it before they let me home. Which means tomorrow I have to ring my resp nurse and explain the whole thing to her, and hope she comes up with a soloution which doesn't involve admission or more steroids!

Anyway, I'm off now. I'm feeling a bit sick, which may be due to a dodgy burger, but I'm hoping not! Maybe if I have a sleep it will go away!

Much love, X

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