
Welcome to my page, which I hope will entertain you in some way, shape or form. I am your average 21 year old, I laugh too much, have moments of obvious immaturity and spend far too much time procrastinating. A lot of my time is spent dealing with my health, I'm in and out of hospital with severe allergic (brittle) asthma most of the time. I hope, however foolishly, that this page will provide you with an insight into what its like to live in my world, from admissions, clinic appointments and many, many days in bed.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Very late post about November 2013!

So, update part two, rather late I know! But as I said I would finish filling you in on what's been going on with me, so I will pick up where I left off... Which would be around the 22nd November when I was visiting my friend in Leeds.

Just to fill you in, and make a lot of this make more sense, I should probably mention that mine and Emma's get together's are normally blighted by some sort of tragedy. For example... Emma's first visit to mine was the weekend my dad had his accident, and so she spent ages sitting in waiting rooms for me. Then I went to see Emma, and she decided to dislocate her knee the day before and not be able to walk properly. Then she came to me... I was unwell this time and we had to cancel going to the Olympics! These are just a few examples - there have been many more.

My adventure started off the night before my little journey began, and I spent what felt like ages trying to get all of my bits packed and ready.Its been a while before I last had to pack up all my medical bits for a trip away, and I was surprised at just how much rubbish I have managed to accumulate... the first picture is of most of the bits I had to take for the weekend,  I think I changed the bag I was using about three times before I decided what I was using. But I eventually decided on these two...

So the plan was to get a taxi to the bus and then get on the bus which would take me to the station, where the assistance  people would meet me. But apparently the universe wanted me to get this visits disaster over with quickly, because I read the time on my ticket wrong, and didn't have enough time to get to the station. Thankfully my Dadeh came to the rescue and took me - much speedier than the bus! But then, after all of that I still missed the train because the accessibility man wasn't there! Though, they were great, helpful and sorted everything out for me so the rest of the journey went really well! I even managed to leave my bags in the office during a change over and go and get a drink from costa. Very impressed by my christmas cup! It was the first time that I have actually had one...

So, once I had arrived at Emma's we got a taxi to hers and unpacked my stuff before going to get the things we needed for dinner. I met her dead fish, and her housemates. Poor fishie, obviously heard I was coming and decided that he wanted to go see Nemo, rather than put up with me! We then had some very yummy fajitas for dinner, before going to see SCOUTING FOR GIRLS!!

They were really good, and we had an amazing view. I should have taken more pictures really, but I was far too busy watching them, and being disgusted at the cost of a drink. Two archers and lemonades cost me £13! Can you believe it?! £13!

That was our view - the first one was mid song and the second picture was after the gig when the band came to say goodbye etc - they bowed a fair few times so I had plenty of chances to get a good shot!

The rest of the weekend was pretty good too! Consisted of lots of TV, Nandos and the cinema!! We went to a cute little tea shop too - proper saucers and glass bottles of coke! Look!

Oh, and we met a doctor who will henceforth be known as the frosties doctor. Cause she obviously got her doctorate from a cereal packet...

That's about it. I'll finish off 2013 with a post about December soon! Must catch up before I get told off!